
Three Policies

Admission Policy

Master’s Program

At the Graduate School of Culture and Information Science (Master’s program), we aim to nurture high-level professionals who can accomplish scientific exploration regarding phenomena concerning culture and humans and identify and solve issues from the academic perspectives. For this purpose, we seek for the following students:

Ideal students we seek

  • 1Students who have strong interests and willingness in clarification of various cultural phenomena surrounding humans.
  • 2Students who have a will to create new insights based on a broad view without being bound by the existing academic disciplines.
  • 3Students who have acquired expertise in targeted cultural fields and basic research methods to scientifically explore them.

Abilities students should acquire prior to the enrollment

  • 1To have a broad view without being bound by the existing academic disciplines.
  • 2To have expertise in cultural fields including cultural resources, linguistic data science and behavioral science or data science fields including data analysis, basic mathematics, information and computer.
  • 3To have a certain ability to use mathematical and information methods such as data science to clarify various cultural phenomena.

Ph. D Program

At the Graduate School of Culture and Information Science (Ph. D program), we aim to nurture researchers who can challenge unexplored theme formulation and development of research methods concerning culture and humans and create new academic disciplines. For this purpose, we seek for the following students:

Ideal students we seek

  • 1Students who have strong interests and willingness in clarification of various cultural phenomena surrounding humans.
  • 2Students who aim to create new insights based on a broad view without being bound by the existing academic disciplines.
  • 3Students who have acquired deep expertise in targeted cultural fields and evolving research methods to scientifically explore them.

What students should acquire prior to the enrollment

  • 1To have a certain ability to create new insights based on a broad view without being bound by the existing academic disciplines.
  • 2To have deep expertise in cultural fields including cultural resources, linguistic data science and behavioral data science or data science fields including data analysis, basic mathematics, information and computer.
  • 3To have deep expertise in targeted cultural fields and a strong will to develop an evolving research methods to scientifically explore them.

Curriculum Policy

Master’s Program

Organization and operation policy

  • In order to cultivate personnel who can conduct scientific exploration based on the high-level insights of data science and deep expertise in targeted cultural fields, we establish curriculum comprised of specialized courses, common courses, research guidance courses, symposium courses and academic papers. In addition, lesson courses are divided into the following four courses: Cultural Resources Studies, Linguistic Data Science, Behavioral Data Science and Fundamental Data Science.

Knowledge and skills

  • In the lesson courses cluster, students aim to acquire high-level knowledge of data science which is the basis of the cross-disciplinary research abilities and deep expertise in the Course to which they belong, and will take 12 credits or more from the specialized courses of the Course to which they belong.
  • In the research guidance courses cluster, students aim to acquire expertise in targeted cultural fields and basic research methods to scientifically explore them based on the knowledge they acquire in the lesson courses cluster, and will take 4 credits of the Culture and Information Science Studies Research Experiment as the required course from the first year to the second year.

Power of thinking, judgment and expression

  • With respect to the academic papers, students aim to accomplish scientific exploration on phenomena concerning complicated and vague culture and humans, to apply identification and resolution of issues and present new insights together with the research they have conducted in the research guidance course, and it will be mandatory.

Independence, diversity and cooperation

  • In the symposium course, students aim not only to acquire presentation skills but to clearly grasp direction and positioning of their research through the research presentation, and will take 4 credits as the required course from the first year to the second year.

Ph. D. Program

Organization and operation policy

  • In order to cultivate personnel who can conduct scientific exploration based on the latest insights of data science and deep expertise in targeted cultural fields and the surrounding fields, we establish curriculum comprised of specialized courses, common courses, research guidance courses, symposium courses and academic papers. In addition, lesson course are divided into the following courses: Cultural Resources Studies Course, Linguistic Data Science Course, Behavioral Data Science Course and Fundamental Data Science Course.

Knowledge and skills

  • In the lesson courses cluster, students aim to acquire the latest insights of data science which can be the basis to explore new academic disciplines and deep expertise in the targeted cultural fields and the surrounding fields, and will take 10 credits or more from the specialized courses and the common courses.
  • In the research guidance courses cluster, students aim to independently plan and implement research through unexplored theme formulation or research method based on the knowledge they acquire in the lesson courses cluster, and will take 6 credits of the Culture and Information Science Studies Special Research as the required course.

Power of thinking, judgment and expression

  • With respect to the academic papers, students aim to present deep expertise in targeted cultural fields by independently planning and implementing research setting and new insights gained by developing evolving research methods to scientifically explore them, and it will be mandatory.

Independence, diversity and cooperation

  • In the symposium course, students aim not only to better their presentation skills but to clearly grasp direction and positioning of their research through the research presentation, and will take 4 credits as the required course from the first year to the second year.

Diploma Policy

Master’s Program

Knowledge and skills

  • Students will be able to conduct scientific exploration based on the high-level insights of data science and deep expertise in targeted cultural fields. Students will be able to acquire expertise in targeted cultural fields and basic research methods to scientifically explore them.

Power of thinking, judgment and expression

  • Students will have an ability to organically integrate knowledge of different academic disciplines and to construct a new method to understand culture. Students will be able to accomplish scientific exploration on phenomena concerning complicated and vague culture and humans and to apply identification and resolution of issues.

Independence, diversity and cooperation

  • Students will have a broad view which helps to think flexibly and an ability to think flexibly so that they can respond accurately to various and complicated problems that generate in the society.

Ph. D Program

Knowledge and skills

  • Students will be able to conduct scientific exploration based on the latest insights of data science and targeted cultural fields and the surrounding fields. Students will be able to challenge unexplored theme formulation and development of a research method concerning culture and humans and create new academic disciplines.

Power of thinking, judgment and expression

  • Students will be able to independently plan and implement research setting and acquire deep expertise in targeted cultural fields and an evolving research method to scientifically explore them.

Independence, diversity and cooperation

  • Students will be able to analyze cultural phenomena from the diverse perspectives, acquire an ability to develop a new research method concerning culture as well as an ability to explore new academic disciplines and play an active role in the international community.
